The judgement of the first instance trial of QVOD case of spreading obscene articles for profit convicts QVOD Company, Wang Xin and other of the crime of spreading obscene articles for profit, and also explains the rationale of the judgement. The reasons why QVOD Company is guilty of the crime are as follows: first, the operation model of QVOD Company has determined the dual role of QVOD both as the provider of internet video software and as the manager of the contents of internet video. Therefore, QVOD Company is obliged to supervise the information stored on the internet. Since it failed to fulfill this duty of supervision and therefore caused the spreading of obscene video on the internet, the causal connection between this omission and the result can be established. This is a spreading by omission and therefore QVOD Company and its managers should be convicted of the crime of spreading obscene articles for profit by omission. After the Ninth Amendment of Criminal Law introduced the new crime of refusing to fulfill the obligation of information network security management, the defendants in the QVOD case should still be convicted of the crime of spreading obscene articles for profit because of the concurrent relationship between these two crimes.
Peking University Law Journal
QVOD Company
Obligation of Information Network Security Management
The Crime of Spreading Obscene Articles for Profit