Recent years, the scandals such as food safety incidents have prompted researchers to give more at- tention to leadership ethics and relevant negative consequences occurred. Ethical leadership has become a new re- search topic. However, empirical study about the effectiveness of ethical leadership, especially the impact on employ- ee performance, is still scare. Study about the mediator and moderator between ethical leadership and its conse- quence variables is in need. Based on social exchange theory and the concept of power distance orientation, we con- duct an empirical study of the effectiveness of ethical leadership under Chinese context. This study examines the conceptual model about the relationship between ethical leadership and employee performance. Meanwhile, we also identify the role of leader-member exchange and employee' s power distance orientation on this relationship. The sample of main study includes 250 supervisor-subordinate dyads. Hypotheses are tested by Hierarchical Linear Modeling and Structural Equation Modeling. Findings of this stud- y support the hypotheses about the processes linking ethical leadership to employees' performance and the media- ting role of leader-member exchange and moderating role of employee' s power distance orientation. As the results show, Chinese managers do show ethical leadership behavior obviously and ethical leadership has a positive effect on employee performance. Leader-member exchange fully mediates the relationship between ethical leadership and per- formance. Power distance orientation moderates the positive impact of ethical leadership on employee perform- ance. Results show that the relationship between ethical leadership with employee performance is more positive for those lower ,rather than higher in power distance orientation. From an empirical perspective, our study is an extension of the field of studies about ethical leadership. The re- suits show that ethical leadership improves the performance of subordinates. The ethics of the leader is
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )