The written vernacular initially appeared in the Han and Wei dynasties.After a long period of development,it spread into a great many literary forms in the Song dynasty along with the transition from refined to popular culture.This period saw great changes in the style of the novel.On the one hand,classical Chinese novels were written in a cruder,more popular style,with plain narratives replacing flowery diction.This was an important reason for later generations' judgment that 'Song novels are not as good as those of the Tang.' On the other hand,the formation of the style of vernacular novels is directly related to the modern development of the Chinese language.The texts of stories(话本huaben)are neither story-tellers' original scripts nor handwritten copies.Instead,they represent a new style of novel written in the vernacular in imitation of the storytelling art with a view to satisfying the publication demands of block printing.The flourishing of vernacular novels increased the proportion of the vernacular in the written language and furthered the development of the modern Chinese language.
Social Sciences in China