沈石溪早期动物小说讲究故事性和趣味性 ,主题囿于动物忠贞报国的旧模式。在他阅读了国外社会生物学著作之后 ,创作上取得了重大突破 ,小说描写视角发生了转换 ,重在表现动物世界的“弱肉强食的丛林法则”。他还对小说语体进行了探索。
Shen Shixi's early animal novels had stories and interest, But their subjets were limited in old pattern which the animals devoted themselves to their countries. After his reading foreign sociobiology, he made a great breakthrough in writing. His views of novel description changed and mainly expressed the law of the jungle in the animal world. At the same time, he made researches into the language style of the novels.
Journal of Shayang Teachers College