
新世纪中国文化研究如何三面应战——德克·卜德晚年讲稿的启示 被引量:2

How the Research of Chinese Culture in the New Century Will Meet Challenges from Three Aspects——The Inspiration of Sinologist Dirk Bodde's Lecture Note
摘要 21世纪的中国文化研究面临着来自学术史、历史文献和国际学界三方面的挑战,美国著名汉学家德克·卜德晚年讲稿——《What and Why in Chinese Civilization》的洞见与不见给我们正反两方面的启示:面对空前庞大的历史文献和学术资源,研究者应勇于重审、反思那些看似不证自明的"常识",质疑"预设"、"基础"、"前提"的合理性,重访以往被忽略的多元面相,以不断更新、丰富我们对重大文化命题的认知;研究者在利用古典文献时应充分注意到其不断附益、流变、生成和经典化、谱系化的建构过程,以确保举证、持论的科学性;国内学界应当熟悉海外汉学家的研究视野、角度、路径与方法,但必须同时注意其"解构"与"颠覆"倾向,警惕那些有意无意的偏见和误读可能带来的不良影响。 The research work of Chinese culture in the 21st century is facing challenges from three aspects: academic history, historical literature, and the international academia. The insight and overlooking of "What and Why in Chinese Civilization", the lecture note by well-known American Sinologist Dirk Bodde, give us both positive and negative inspirations:confronted with unprecedentedcolossal historical literature and academic resources, researchers should have the courage to reexamine and reflect on those seemingly self-evident "common sense", challenge the rationality of the so-called "presuppositions", "basis", and "preconditions, recheck the multiple facets that were ignored in the past, and constantly renew and enrich their recognition of important cultural hypothesis ; when utilizing classic literature, they should pay full attention to the constructive process ofits adjunction, rheological deformation, generation, classicization, and filiationso as to ensure that their adduction of proof and presentation of argument are scientific ; and domestic academic circles should acquaint themselves with foreign Sinologists' fields of vision, angles, approaches, and methods in their research work and simultaneously take care of their "deconstructive" and "subversive" tendencies, keeping alert against the adverse effectscaused by conscious and unconsciouspossible misinterpretations.
作者 李浩
机构地区 南京大学文学院
出处 《江汉学术》 2016年第3期94-101,共8页 JIANGHAN ACADEMIC
关键词 德克·卜德 中国文化 汉学家 海外汉学 中国学 Dirk Bodde Chinese culture Sinologist overseas Sinology Chinese studies
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