The emotional intelligence has generated considerable interest over the last few years and has become a standard concept in general and applied psychology, as well as in applied business settings. It is defined as a set of abilities concerned with processing emotions and emotional information (Mayer & SaloveY,1997; Salovey & Mayer, 1990). But recently, some researchers have doubted its predictive validity, especially in leadership research. Whether emotional intelligence is theoretically needed for leadership? Past research has show that the emotional intelligence is positive related to task performance over and above both cognitive intelligence and personality traits. The goal of this study is to give more evidence regarding the links between leader emotional intelligence and follower outcomes such as organizational identification and organizational citizenship behavior.This article explores multilevel relationships between the Emotional Intelligence of Team Leader, and the Employees' organizational citizenship behavior. We also discuss conceptualizing leader Emotional inielligence with regard to context and multiple levels of analysis. And examine whether organizational identification mediates the link between the Emotional Intelligence of team leader and the organizational citizenship behavior. Result based on 70 work groups in a manufacturing firm indicates that Emotional Intelligence of team leader self-reported negative moderated the relationship between employee perceived emotional intelligence of team leader and subordinates' organizational citizenship behavior/organizational identification and the organizational identification is a completed mediator link between the emotional intelligence of team leader and the subordinates' organizational citizenship. Comparing contexts in which emotional intelligence of team leader is rare with those in which it is prevalent. We find that when the emotional intelligence of team leader self-reported is lower, the high perceived emotional intelligence of
Nankai Business Review
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence of Team Leader Self-reported
Perceived Emotional Intelligence of Team Leader
Organizational Identification
Organizational Citizenship Behavior