Agricultural economics is an applied discipline that studies agriculture and rural development.The research focus and research methods of agricultural ecnomics expand with the needs of social and economic development.This paper analyzes the main fields and cutting-edge methods of international agricultural economic research,and explores the potential directions of future development of agricultural economics in China.Based on litearture reviews,it shows that the key research areas of international agricultural economics mainly include:( 1) agricultural production,markets and policies;( 2) economics and policies of resources and environment;( 3) rural development;( 4) agricultural business and food economy,but there is not a clear cut in those areas.From the perspective of research methods,establishing theoretical model and then use econometrics or other quantitative models for empirical testing have become the accepted normative methods in agricultural economic research.The establishment of theoretical model and Ex ante assessment of policy effect are mainly based on mathematical optimization models,while empirical testing and post-evaluation of policy effect are mainly based on econometric models.With the development of information acquisition technology,the application of machine learning theory and non-parametric econometrics in agricultural economy research will also become increasingly widespread.
Journal of Agrotechnical Economics