本研究采用事件史分析方法(Event History Analysis)探讨了导师身份等因素对杰出科技人才成长尤其是入选人才计划的影响情况。研究结果显示:第一,导师学术身份能够对科研人员入选国家级和省部级人才计划产生独立的正向影响,并且这种影响在入选国家级人才计划方面相对更强:相较于导师学术身份较低的科研人员,导师学术身份较高的科研人员入选国家级和省部级人才计划概率分别为前者的3.27倍和1.90倍。第二,导师行政身份未能独立对科研人员入选人才计划产生显著影响,它仅能够通过与导师学术身份进行负向协同的方式发挥抑制作用:与导师身份类型为低学术低行政型的科研人员相比,导师身份类型为高学术低行政型的科研人员入选国家级和省部级人才计划概率分别是前者的4.07倍和2.34倍,导师身份类型为高学术高行政型的科研人员入选国家级和省部级人才计划概率分别为前者的3.65倍和1.94倍。此外,研究还发现性别、出生年代、博士后经历、工作单位、高水平论文、科研职称等因素对科研人员入选人才计划具有重要作用。
Based on the career growth data of national Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)laureates,theresearch focuses on the influence of tutor status on the selection oftalent plan of scientific researchers by using the event history analysis method.The main conclusions are as follows:First,the academic status of tutorswill independently have a significant positive impact on the selection of researchers into national and provincial talent programs,that is,researchers with higher academic status of tutors are more likely to be selected into the two levels of talent programs at a faster rate.At the same time,this effect is relatively stronger in the national talent plan.Second,the tutor’s administrative status does not independently have a significant impact on the inclusion of researchers into national and provincial talent plans,but only negatively synergies with the tutor’s academic status.Third,compared with researchers with low academic and low administrative tutor status,researchers with high academic and low administrative status and high academic and high administrative status of tutor have higher probability and faster speed to be selected into national and provincial talent plans.In addition to the factor of tutor status,the research results also discover that the research ability represented by academic papers and research titles is the prerequisite for researchers to be selected for the talent plan;Working in a high-level research institution contributes to the selection of researchers into the talent program;Researchers with overseas postdoctoral experience are more likely to be selected into the talent program;Male researchers have a greater advantage in the selection of talent program;owing to the improvement of the national science and technology system,researchers who were born in the 1980s are more likely and faster to be selected into the talent program.The policy implications of the above research conclusions are as follows:First,we should give full play to the important role of masters in the
YAN Hao;ZHAO Lan-xiang;ZHOU Jian-zhong(Institutes of Science and Development,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
Studies in Science of Science
tutor status
outstanding scientific and technological talents
talent plan
event history analysis
discrete-time logit regression model