
从下第举人到乙榜进士:元代科举副榜制度的形成、实践及影响 被引量:1

From Failed Candidates to List of Adequate:The Formation, Practice and Impact of Supplementary List System of Civil Service Examination in the Yuan Dynasty(1271-1368)
摘要 元代延祐元年复行科举以后,意在安抚会试下第举人的“恩例”,逐渐摆脱两宋特奏名制度的影响。至正年间,各地开始在乡试正式录取名额之外,取中副榜,充任地方儒学教官。随后,会试亦设副榜。虽同为副榜,但两者在具体实践过程中却存在明显的差异。乡试副榜的录取对象是被正榜所摒的士子,他们具备一定儒学素养并受过举业训练,选拔其担任基层县学教谕、路学学录,可代替此前为“吏胥、富豪子弟”垄断的直学,从而通过改革与科举互为表里的基层教官选任制度来提升人才培育的水平。而会试副榜的录取对象则仅限于参加会试的国子生,且受元代族群政策与国子生构成的影响,取中人员当中虽有少数南人,但名义上仅分蒙古、色目、汉人三色。元代科举创设的副榜制度,上承两宋特奏名之制,下启明清副榜、明通榜、中正榜、副贡等,一定程度上促进了社会阶层流动,影响深远,且带有鲜明的时代特色。 After the Yuan dynasty resumed civil service examinations in 1314, the precedent by grace intended to appease those who failed in the metropolitan examination gradually escaped the influence of the facilitated candidate system of the Song Dynasty. By the Zhizheng period, provincial examination began to admit some failed candidates by the supplementary list system to serve as education officials in local schools. The metropolitan examination later on also adopted the supplementary list system in its actual operation. Despite the fact that both of them were supplementary list systems, there were some significant differences in their specific practices. Those who were admitted to the supplementary list system of provincial examinations had a certain degree of Confucianism literacy and received training of the civil service examination agenda, and they were used to replace the sub-official functionaries and offspring of rich and powerful families as education officials in local schools, which could improve the standard of talent training. The supplementary list system of metropolitan examination was only for the national university students;Although the final admissions of the supplementary lists did include a few Southerners, influenced by the special ethnic policy of the Yuan, it nominally included only three categories: Mongols, Sermons, and Northerners. The supplementary list system of civil service examination created by the Yuan dynasty was not only the inheritance of the facilitated candidate system of the Song Dynasty, but also influenced the supplementary system of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, with its distinctive characteristics of the times and functions promoting social mobility.
作者 耿勇 GENG Yong
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第10期47-61,共15页 Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 元代科举 副榜 乙榜 恩例 Civil Service Examination of the Yuan Dynasty Supplementary List List of Adequate Precedent by Grace
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