通过对重载铁路机械化维护作业现场职业病危害因素的调查、分析与现场检测,基本掌握了大型养路机械化维护作业的职业病危害因素的种类和接触水平。轨道机械化维护作业过程中接触的职业病危害因素主要有:噪声、粉尘、一氧化碳、二氧化碳、氮氧化物、二氧化硫。现场监测结果:接触粉尘最大超限倍数为12.7,接触粉尘合格率:总尘为81.0%,呼尘为98.3%,其中以清筛轨面人员总尘(40.0%)和指挥/巡视人员总尘(33.3%)合格率最低;噪声现场监测值最高达到100.5 dB(A),接触噪声的合格率为48.6%,其中以捣固轨面人员的监测的合格率最低仅为9.1%;接触化学因素的合格率为87.3%。研究提出了中国神华轨道机械化维护分公司企业标准和规范建议,为企业控制作业场所职业病危害因素及预防职工职业病的发生提供科学、规范和具体操作可行的依据。
Based on the mechanical maintenance of Heavy Haul Railway Survey and field occupation hazards detection,we have basically grasped the type of occupation hazards in large maintenance machinery maintenance work and contact level. Track mechanized maintenance of occupation hazards to contact in the process of operation are: noise,dust,carbon monoxide,carbon dioxide,nitrogen oxides,sulfur dioxide. The monitoring results showed that dust exposure limit maximum ratio of 12. 7,the qualified rate of dust exposure was 81. 0%( Total Dust) and 98. 3%( Respirable Dust),the total dust qualified rate of cleaning operator of rail surface( 40%) and field commander( 33. 3%) is the lowest; noise field monitoring values up to 100. 5 dB( A),the qualified rate of noise was 48. 6%,among which the monitoring personnel of the tamping rail surface the lowest qualified rate was only 9. 1%; the qualified rate of exposure to chemical factors was87. 3%. The research presented China Shenhua track mechanized maintenance branch of enterprise standards,specification and suggestions,provided scientific,normative and specific practical scientific evidence for enterprises to control workplace occupation hazards and prevention of occupation disease.
Railway Energy Saving & Environmental Protection & Occupational Safety and Health
heavy haul railway
maintenance machinery
occupation health hazards