目的了解广东省江门市2012—2016年感染性腹泻病的发生、流行特征、变化趋势及病原体变化特点,为制定预防控制策略提供科学依据。方法通过中国疾病预防控制信息系统收集病例报告信息和暴发疫情信息进行描述性流行病学分析,并对2家哨点医院病原学监测样品进行霍乱弧菌、志贺菌、轮状病毒和诺如病毒检测。结果全市共报告其他感染性腹泻病例54 456例,累积发病率为1.22%。男女性发病差异无统计学意义;年龄分布以<5岁散居儿童为主;时间分布以秋冬季高发。报告暴发疫情18起,均由诺如病毒感染引起。对哨点医院2 274份粪便样品检测,无霍乱弧菌和志贺菌检出,病毒检出率为30.78%。结论 2012—2016年江门市其他感染性腹泻主要集中在0!5岁散居儿童,秋冬季是好发季节,开平市报告病例数最多;暴发疫情和哨点医院病原学监测均显示诺如病毒为最主要病原体。其他感染性腹泻应采取综合性防制措施。
Objective To understand the incidence,epidemiological characteristics of infectious diarrhea and changes in the pathogens from 2012 to 2016 in Jiangmen,Guangdong province and provide evidence for developing prevention and control strategies. Methods The incidence data of infectious diarrhea in Jiangmen were collected from"China Information System for Disease Control"for statistical analysis. The stool samples of infectious diarrhea cases were collected from 2 sentinel hospitals for Vibrio cholerae,Shigella,rotavirus and norovirus detections. Results A total of 54 456 of other infectious diarrheal disease cases were reported in Jiangmen during this period,the cumulative incidence was 1. 22%. No significant difference in the incidence between men and women was found. Most cases were 5 years old children outside child care settings. The incidence peak was during autumn-winter. Eighteen outbreaks caused by norovirus were reported. A total of 2 274 stool samples were detected,no Vibrio cholera and Shigella positive samples were detected,and the virus detection rate was 30. 78%. Conclusion Other infectious diarrheal diseases mainly occurred in 5 years old children outside child care settings in Jiangmen during 2012-2016. The incidence was high during autumn-winter,and the case number reported in Kaiping was highest. Outbreak survey and etiological surveillance in sentinel hospitals indicated that norovirus was the predominant pathogen. It is necessary to take comprehensive and effective measures to prevent and control other infectious diarrheal diseases.
Disease Surveillance
Infectious diarrhea
Epidemiological characteristic
Etiological surveillance