目的分析福田区2005~2008年其它感染性腹泻流行特征和变化趋势,为制定预防与控制策略提供科学依据。方法对2005~2008年疫情资料和专题调查报告进行描述性分析。结果2005~2008年福田区共报告其它感染性腹泻病例5 379例,年发病率的范围为78.17/10万~169.95/10万,发病呈逐年上升趋势。发病高峰时间为每年的秋冬季节。1~3岁组发病例数占所有发病的70%以上。4年共报告其它感染性腹泻暴发疫情6宗,主要为诺如病毒感染(4宗)所致。结论福田区其它感染性腹泻发病率处于逐年上升趋势,应采取有效的措施进行防制。
Objective To analyze the prevalence and trends of infectious diarrhea. Methods Descriptive epidemiologic method was applied to analyze characteristics of reported infectious diarrhea cases derived from routine infectious disease monitoring system during 2005-2008. Results There totally reported 5379 infectious diarrhea cases with ascending trend and annual incidence from 78.17/100 000-169.95/100 000 during 2005-2008. The peak seasons of infectious diarrhea were autumn and winter. Patients were main children below 3 years old.There occurred 6 outbreaks during 2005-2008,most caused by norovirus. Conclusion Since the incidence of infectious diarrhea was ascending annually,effective measures be taken to control it.
China Tropical Medicine