Symbol is an objective concept. Bernstein learns Semiotics of existence language conference sign, it has implemented by the from Saussure, and inspired by Pierce and Cassirer. When Bernstein found that the symbol conference implied some social problems by empirical research, he began to explore the relationship of symbols and meaning, cul- ture, and even power through school education and curriculum content. When code theory was constructed, Bemstein found that the middle-class make good use of elaborated codes, and the working-class tend to use restricted codes. However the school is a place to transfer of ideology, it follows the elaborated coding that conventions of power elite. So compared to working-class children, the children of the middle-class were easier to adapt and integra- tion into this education, and more likely to succeed. When they enter into the upper-classes of society, the purpose of reproduction is reached. Therefore, the nature of education repro- duction has been revealed.
Studies in Foreign Education