
美国高等教育入学中的肯定性行动——基于美国联邦最高法院司法实践的多元化审视 被引量:4

Affirmative Actions of Enrollment of Higher Education in the United States: Based on the Practices of the United States Supreme Court from Perspective of Diversity
摘要 肯定性行动涉及种族问题,因此不仅是单纯的法律问题,还是高度复杂的政治问题,美国高等教育领域对该问题仍然存在争议。在美国联邦最高法院关于肯定性行动的审查中,多元化的价值是大法官们反复权衡的元素,大学基于种族的招录政策具备正当性,但是必须经受"严密裁量"。理论和实践都证明,多元化的学生群体能够带来教育上、政治上(或社会上)的收益,营造差异性和多元化的文化氛围,有利于创新。美国联邦最高法院强调,种族的融合对精英教育机构而言具有重要的意义,但是其多元化价值观则是不断演变的。多元化的肯定性行动无法回避,种族多元化的收益在未来将继续成为争论的焦点。当前,在美国精英高等教育中,阶层的差距与种族的差距并存,未来,以种族多元化为主必须转向种族多元化与阶层多元化并重,这样,多元化的肯定性行动的正当性才会拥有更牢固的基础。 Affirmative actions involves racial issues,which is neither a simple question of law or a highly complex political issue in the United States,thereby the field of higher education remains still quite controver-sial. The investigation of affirmative actions in the United States Supreme Court,it is a diversified value that makes Justices weigh repeatedly,race-based recruiting policies in the college have legitimacy,but must be subjected to'strict discretion. 'Theory and practice have proved that a diverse groups of students can bring educational,political( or social) benefits and a diverse cultural atmosphere is conducive to innovation. US Supreme Court emphasized that racial integration has important significance in elite educational institutions,but its diverse values is evolving. Diversification can not be avoided,but ethnically diverse earnings in the future will continue to be the focus of debate. Currently in elite higher education in the United States,the gap between class and racial disparities coexist,in the future,ethnic diversity mainly must diversify both race and class,so that the legitimacy of affirmative action will have a strong foundation.
作者 肖地生
出处 《阅江学刊》 2016年第1期81-90,146-147,共10页 Yuejiang Academic Journal
基金 2014年度江苏省期刊协会资助课题"学术期刊与学术道德研究"(2014JSQKA013)
关键词 肯定性行动 美国联邦最高法院 高等教育入学 多元化的学生群体 精英高等教育 种族多元化 阶层多元化 Affirmative actions the United States Supreme Court enrollment of higher education a diverse groups of students elite higher education ethnic diversity class diversity
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