

An Analysis on Affirmative Action in American Higher Education Institutions——Centering on the Debates and Influences of the Regents of the University of California v. Bakke
摘要 种族问题一直是阻碍美国社会发展的主要问题之一。美国政府为缓和种族矛盾,保护黑人等少数族裔的权利而推出了优惠政策。这种政策在高等教育领域中表现为优惠录取政策。自优惠录取政策在高校实施以来,就面临不断的争论和挑战,当这些争论和挑战诉诸到最高法院时,法院的判决便是对该政策的新的解释和规定。贝克案作为最高法院受理并判决的第一起关于高校优惠录取政策的案件,其作用和影响更是不言而喻。但贝克案判决的模糊性,使得人们质疑高校优惠录取政策的可行性。不仅如此,它还改变了高校优惠录取政策的法理学基础,为以后相关案件的判决奠定了基础。 Race is always one of the problems which have hindered the development of American Society. The gow^rnment of America brought out Affirmative Action in order to protect the minorities' rights and release the racial tensions. When universities and colleg- es implemented the Affirmative Action in their schools, the policy would turn out to be pref- erential admissions, which has faced a lot of debates and challenges since they have been pushed out. The Supreme Court would make judgments about these debates and challenges, and the judgments could explain and make some new rules about Affirmative Action. Bakke, as the first legal case about preferential admissions, the judgment made by the Su- preme Court have had a significant influence about preferential admissions. However, be- cause the judgment is obscure, public always have queries about the feasibility of preferen- tial admissions policies. What' s more, the judgment has also changed the jurisprudence foundation of Affirmative Action, and made a basement about parallel cases.
作者 刘梅 陈欣
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期82-91,共10页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 美国 高校优惠录取政策 贝克案 种族问题 America college admission policy Regents of the University of California v. Bakke race issue
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