
利用黄瓜、甜瓜和西瓜SSR开发葫芦科作物穿梭标记 被引量:6

Exploiting New Cross-Species Markers by SSR from Cucumber, Melon and Watermelon
摘要 微卫星标记(SSR)是分子育种中常用的遗传标记,葫芦科中仅有黄瓜、甜瓜、西瓜进行了大规模的SSR标记开发,其他作物均不同程度地面临SSR标记缺乏的情况。利用近源物种间分子标记具有一定的通用性,本研究合成源于黄瓜、甜瓜和西瓜的60对SSR标记,从中筛选出42对可用标记,对甜瓜、西瓜、黄瓜、南瓜、苦瓜、冬瓜、节瓜和丝瓜8种葫芦科作物进行验证,分析这三种瓜类SSR标记在葫芦科中的穿梭性。结果表明,42对标记中有29对(69%)能在8种常见葫芦科作物中都得到有效扩增,在5种及5种以上物种中有扩增的引物达到38对,占90.5%,表明这三种瓜类SSR标记在葫芦科作物中有良好的穿梭性,这为葫芦科中数目庞大的未测序作物提供一种切实可行、高效低成本的分子标记开发方法。 Simple sequence repeats (SSR) is one of the marker systems widely used in molecular breeding. Howe- ver, only a limited SSRs have been reported in melon, watermelon and cucumber among Cucurbitaceae family, while others are rarely reported due to their weakly research. In this study, we used SSR transfer between related species to develop cross-species markers, and analysis their transferability to other Cucurbitaceae corps. By PCR amplification with the genomic DNA of common Cucurbitaceae crops, including melon, watermelon, cucumber, pumpkin, bitter gourd, wax gourd, chieh-qua and loofah, 60 pairs SSR markers were tested to analysis their transferability, and found 69% (29 out of 42) usable pairs markers can be used successfully in 8 species of common Cucurbitaceae crops, 90.5% (38 out of 42) can produce expected fragment in 5 or more than 5 species. These indi- cated that SSR markers form cucumber, melon and watermelon had pretty transferability in Cucurbitaceae crops. Provided a new effective, inexpensive way to develop molecular markers in huge Cucurbitaceae crops.
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1201-1208,共8页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 广州市重点项目(12c14071617)资助
关键词 SSR 葫芦科 穿梭标记 黄瓜 甜瓜 西瓜 SSR, Cucurbitaceae, Cross-species markers, Melon, Watermelon, Cucumber
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