
独立后非洲教育“职业化”运动失败的原因及影响 被引量:4

Study on the Causes and the Reflections of the failure of Vocationalization in African Education after Independence
摘要 20世纪六七十年代,联合国教科文组织、世界银行等在非洲大陆主导了一场教育的"职业化"运动,但却以失败告终。与此同时,以福斯特为代表的反主流学派与以巴洛夫为首的主流学派展开了激烈的思想论争,并最终影响世界银行对非洲教育投资政策的转向。分析"职业化"运动失败的原因,不得不考虑其特殊的社会背景因素,如新生国家的盲动热情、治国经验缺失、依附思想严重、教育发展缺少支点等。时至今日,"职业化"对非洲教育发展的影响依然存在,无论是在体系建设、规模发展,还是地位提升方面,非洲职业教育都尚未发生显著变化。 During the 1960s and 70s, UNESCO & WBG led a movement of "vocationalization" in the field of education in Africa,but ended up in failure. Meanwhile, the anti-mainstream school represented by Philip J. Foster and the mainstream school represented by Thomas Balogh held a fierce debate, which ultimately affected the steering of the World Bank's investment in African education. If analyzing the factors of failure, we must consider the special context, such as blind enthusiasm of new-emerging countries, a lack of experience in running coun- tries, serious dependency thought, lack of backing in developing education and so on. Till today, there has not been significant change in African vocational education in the aspects such as system construction, scale expansion and status improvement under the influence of the movement.
作者 陈明昆 陈江
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期79-85,共7页 International and Comparative Education
基金 浙江省高校人文社科教育学重点研究基地立项课题“战后非洲职业教育变革与发展研究”的阶段性成果(项目编号:ZJJYX201306)
关键词 非洲 教育 职业化 世界银行 African education vocationalization effect the World Bank
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