目的 研究贫困地区女童保健基本状况,以期对制定促进贫困地区女童保健服务的战略和措施提供参考。方法 选择两个国家级贫困县,每县随机选取一个镇和村为基本调查单位,从中整群分层随机抽取调查对象。每岁为一个年龄组共设19个年龄组,每性别每年龄组50名,男女1:1对照。两县计男女童各1900名,总样本量3800名0-18岁儿童青少年。按本课题组制定的问卷表由专业人员进行在校/入户调查和测量。营养摄入按中国营养学会推荐量(RDA)进行评价,体格发育评价按1995年九市儿童体格发育调查资料进行评价,用SD记分进行表达。采用t检验、x2检验、概率窗测验作统计处理。结果 与发展中国家相比我国贫困地区女童基本生存、医疗保健条件是较好的,不存在性别歧视,但存在一些问题,主要是:体育锻炼少,家务劳动多,睡眠不足,生长发育和体质健康水平差。结论 解决贫困地区女童问题的策略在于,加强健康教育、宣传正确的营养知识,改变不正确的生活习俗,规范大众传媒对儿童营养和儿童食品的商业性宣传,抵制错误的、伪科学导向,加强多种经营的科学技术培训,提高贫困地区营养源供应能力。
Objective To study the existing situation of health care of girl child in poverty area in China in order to make a strategy and take actions for improving the basic condition of girl child in poverty area in China.Methods One town and one village randomly selected as a investigation unit in two poverty county recognized by State Council of China.50 peoples auording to the age, gender were recruited according to the age, gender in this study by Cluster - stratified sampling, the gender matched rate of girls to boys is 1:1, 1 900 girls and boys were collected in each county.Total sampling size is 3 800 of 0 - 18 years children and young adolescents. The data were analyzed by Chi squire, T - test and probability window analyses.Results The health care condition of girl child who Ivied in poverty area better then those in others developing country, There is no any sex discrimination. Major public health problems are: less exercise, too more family labor, less sleeping time, level of growth and development and physical fitness are low. Conclusions The strategy of improving continuesly a situation of girl child in poverty area of China is as follow as: enforcing health education, toughing a correct nutritional knowledge, changing non - correct life habits, making a strict regulation for mass media in advertising and health education, introducing appropriate technique for economic growing, expending the best nutritional resource base in rural area.
Chinese Preventive Medicine
Public health
Poverty areas