目的 探讨贫困地区双亲的生育愿望和对子女性别的期望值。方法 从三个国家级贫困县每县随机选取 0~ 6岁女童 ,1岁 1个年龄组 ,共 6个年龄组 ,每年龄组 5 0名 ,共 30 0名。 3县共90 0名女童为实验组。按同样条件随机选取 90 0男童作为对照组。结果 ( 1)独生子女的比例对照组为 5 8 0 % ,实验组为 6 5 0 %。 ( 2 )男女童的性别比为 1∶0 87~ 1∶0 95~ 1∶0 97。 ( 3)双亲的生育愿望取向趋向于少子女和小家庭。独生子女家庭占 5 8 0 %~ 6 5 0 % ,2个子女以下家庭占 95 3%~ 96 6 %。隔代亲属共居的家庭只占约 4 0 % ,无隔代亲属家庭亦占约 4 0 %。对是否希望生男童的问题。持肯定态度者 ,占 6 2 2 %以上。但是对必需生男童的问题。持肯定态度者 ,占 39 8%以下 ,( 4 )在“谁能养老”的选择中 ,大多数选择女童。结论 ( 1)被调查贫困地区基本生活条件 ,卫生服务和信息交流等大环境较过去已有较大进步 ,基本上达到国家的要求。这些变化对双亲性别认识 (男女一样 )产生很大的作用。 ( 2 )双亲的生育愿望取向趋向于少子女和小家庭。 ( 3)双亲对子女性别赋值和预期值有重大变化。在“谁能养老”的选择中 ,绝大多数选择女孩。此种性别预期值的改变 ,是今日中国农村重大变化的标志 ( 4 )脱贫是实?
Objective The reproductive goals of married couples living in impoverished areas of China affect survival rates and quality of life of female children in those areas. The goal of this study was to collect information on parents′ attitudes toward reproduction, gender preferences/ prejudices, and to collect relevant socioeconomic and demographic data. Methods Random sample families were enrolled from 3 poverty counties. Sample size included parents of 1800 children from birth to 6 years old. The children were divided into 6 age groups at one-year interval. Baseline data were collected and a questionnaire (endorsed by UNICEF) was used to evaluate reproductive expectations and gender preferences of parents. Results (1) The success of the One Child Family program has lead to a decreased overall birthrate. (2) The gender ratio (boys:girls) of the 3 counties studied was 100∶87-100∶95-100∶97. No gender imbalance was found in this study. (3) The “Boy Preference” was still expressed by both fathers (69.0%) and mothers (65.7%). Approximately 40% of fathers and 37% of mothers interviewed expressed that only a male child would be acceptable. (4) Approximately 65% of both fathers and mothers recognize that girls are more likely to care for aging parents. Conclusion Government initiatives have encouraged small families, yet in this region gender ratio of newborns is still normal. More educational and social programs are needed to influence perceptions regarding gender and to eliminate the suboptimal status/poorly perceived value of girls in many societies.
Chinese Journal of Pediatrics