不正确的数学教学观指导下的教学易产生数学差生,防止数学差生产生和转化数 学差生都需要教师树立建构主义的数学教学观.让学生在课堂上真正活动起来,及时复习与 新知识相关联的已学知识,尽可能地将新知识“修剪”得适合于学生建构等是数学课堂上进 行数学差生转化的具体措施.
This paper expounded that slow mathematical learners well easily appea red under the guidance of improper mathematics teaching view. It's necessary for teachers to form mathematics teaching view of constructivism for two reasons: t o prevent the emergence of slow mathematics learners and to turn the slow mathem atics learners into top ones.
Journal of Mathematics Education