目的掌握江苏口岸出入境人群中人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染情况,推测流行趋势,便于做好艾滋病监测和预防工作。方法对江苏省各口岸2010—2013年出入境人员HIV监测结果进行分析。结果在江苏口岸2010—2013年500 745名出入境人中检出HIV抗体阳性者128例,总感染率为2.56/万人,其中男性117例,占91.4%。感染者以男性劳务人员为主,感染的主要途径为性传播。结论针对江苏口岸出入境人员中HIV感染者的流行病学特点,应建立完善的出入境劳务人员的艾滋病干预制度,以从根本上遏制防止艾滋病疫情的蔓延。
Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of HIV infections among international travelers at Jiangsu port. Methods The HIV infections at Jiangsu ports were analyzed from 2010 to 2013. Results A total of 128 cases were found in 500745 entry-exit persons. In which, 117 cases (91.4%) were male. The heterosexual transmission was the main transmitting route. The positive rate was 2.56 per ten thousand. Conclusion According to the characteristics of HIV infectors of entry-exit persons at Jiangsu port, It is necessary to strengthened health education and behavioral intervention for prevention AIDS.
Chinese Journal of Frontier Health and Quarantine