
社交网Twitter平台的人物关系网社区发现 被引量:7

Finding Community Structures of Users' Relationships in Twitter
摘要 社交网络服务(social networking service,SNS)已融入到大众生活中。人们将自己的信息上传到网络中,并通过社交网站管理自己的社交圈子,由此造成大量的个人信息在社交网络上被公开。文章基于Twitter平台,设计实现了Twitter用户关系网的社区发现。通过实时采集Twitter用户信息,重建人物关系网,改进Newman快速算法划分社区发现人物关系网。文章通过可视化的界面呈现用户的社区关系,提供用户网络行为,为决策者的舆情监控或个性推荐提供了参考凭据。 SNS (social networking service) has been integrated into public life. People upload their own information to the network and use the social networking sites to manage their social relationship. A large number of personal information is presented on social networks. Based on the Twitter platform, this paper designs to find community structure of Twitter users. With the real-time information collecting, this paper rebuilds the relationships of users, improving Fast- Newman algorithms in dividing social networks. The paper uses a visualization system to automatically visualizing community structures, providing decision makers with user network behavior to implement personalized recommendation.
作者 钟玲 林柏钢
出处 《信息网络安全》 2014年第5期32-36,共5页 Netinfo Security
基金 福建省科技厅重点资助项目[2012H0025] 福建省安全课题资助项目[822711]
关键词 TWITTER 社交网络 社区发现 Newman快速算法 Twitter social networking community mining Fast-Newman algorithm
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