在酸性条件下,以二氯甲烷提取肉组织中残留的2,4-滴及其钠盐,并转移至碱液中。用有机溶剂洗涤后在将其酸化,2,4-滴再用二氯甲烷提取。去除溶剂后用甲醇溶解定容,供液相色谱-串联质谱测定。MS-MS采用电喷雾负离子化方式电离,多离子反应监测方式检测。优化了MS-MS参数和液相色谱条件,检测限可达0.005 mg/kg,回收率、精密度、线性均满足农药残留分析的规定。
The 2,4-D residues and its Na salts are extracted from the tissue with dichloromethane under acidified condition,then transferred into alkaline solution.The alkaline solution is washed with organic solvents and acidified,2,4-D is then reextracted with dichloromethane.After the dichloromethane evaporated,the residues is resolved by methanol and determined by Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.The electrospray(ESI) negative mode detected by MRM is used for MS-MS.The optimization of analytical conditions of HPLC and analytical parameters of MS-MS are performed.The detection limit by this method is 0.005 mg/kg.The linearity,recovery rate and.precision meet the rules of the residue analysis of pesticides.
Food Research and Development