1Council of Curriculum, Examination and Assessment. The Statutory Curriculum at Key Stage3 : Rational and Detail[ EB/OL]. ht'tp:// www. nicurriculum, org. uk/docs/key-stage-3/statutory-curriculum- ks3. pdf. 被引量:1
2Council of Curriculum, Examination and Assessment. The Northern Ireland Curriculum: Primary [ EB/OL ]. http://www. nicurriculum, org. uk/docs/key-stages-l-and-2/northem-ireland- curriculum-primary, pdf. 被引量:1
3Council of Curriculum, Examination and Assessment. Asse.ssment for Learning: A Practical Guide [EB/OL ]. http://www. nicurrieulum, org: uk/does/assessment - for- learning/AfL-A % 20Practical% 20Guide. pdf. 被引量:1