本文通过一个中英文双语者的自传性文本探讨该双语者的身份形成过程。Min-zhan Lu出生在20世纪40年代上海一个富裕的家庭,从小学习中文和英文。本文在Vygotsky(1986)的社会文化理论和Engestrm(1999)活动系统模型的框架下,分析Lu的经历以及她在双重身份中的挣扎,还有她的身份形成与语言学习的相互影响。Lu的故事强调了语言作为中介工具的作用,社会文化因素对学习者身份形成的重要性以及语言学习与身份形成的相互影响。
This article explores a Chinese-English bilingual' s identity formation through her autobiography. Min-zhan Lu, a Chinese born in a well-off Shanghai family in the 1940s, learned English and Chinese when she was a child. Drawing on Vygotsky's (1986) socioclutural theory and Engestrom's (1999) complex model of an activity system, it examines Lu's experience as a Chinese learner at school and as an English learner at home, the processes involved as she struggled with her dual identities, the interplay between identity formation and language learning. Lu' s stories highlight the importance of sociocultural factors on the learner's identity formation in the process of language learning.
Foreign Language Learning Theory And Practice