表征了热电池用Zr-BaCrO4加热纸(锆粉加热纸)的特性。通过使用煤炭、电力和石化等行业广泛应用的SUNDY SDACM3000量热仪,在氧弹内充入1.5MPa的高纯氩气作为测试保护气氛,可以准确地测定Zr-BaCrO4加热纸的热值。在氩气保护下,使用RSY燃烧速度测试仪,并引入统计分析方法LCR10、LCR50和LCR90(线燃烧速度,Linear Combustion Rate,简写为LCR)后,有效地表征了Zr-BaCrO4加热纸的线燃烧速度。热值和线燃烧速度测试结果的准确性和重现性良好。Zr-BaCrO4加热纸燃烧特性的精确表征有助于电池质量的控制,并为电池的数字化设计提供有效参数。
The thermal battery' s Zr-BaCrO4 heat paper (zirconium powder heat paper) was characterized. The SUNDY SDACM3000 calorimeter, widely used by the coal-generated electricity generator and petrochemistry, was firstly used to test the combustion heat output of Zr-BaCrO4 heat paper. 1.5 MPa super purity argon was injected into the oxygen vessel of SDACM3000 calorimeter in order to protect the sample reacting with air. The combustion heat output of the Zr-BaCrO, heat paper can be accurately tested by the SUNDY SDACM3000 calorimeter. The tested results can be accurately recurred. Protected by the argon atmosphere, Zr-BaCrO4 heat paper linear combustion rate can be accurately tested by the RSY tester. After tested, LCR10, LCR50 and LCR90 (linear combustion rate, LCR) are introduced into the data analyses, which accurately characterize the statistical probability of Zr-BaCrO4 heat paper linear combustion rate. Having the accurate combustion heat output and linear combustion rate thermal battery's performance can be improved greatly.
Chinese Journal of Power Sources