Whether the nickname ' Chinaman' given by the native American writers or ' gimshunhook' addressed by the Chinese American writers, the two different names for early Chinese immigrants to the US imply the conflicts between the two cultures and the cultural identity of the two sides. Despite their great contributions to the development of the western United States, early Chinese immigrants are belittled and caricatured as the butts in American frontier poetry, fiction, drama, cartoons and folk songs. With the awakening of ethnic consciousness, Chinese American writers like Sui Sin Far, Maxine Hong Kingston, Frank Chin and Shawn Wong devoted their writings to representing the hardships and strength of the ' gimshunhooks' and to re-establishing their images to be masculine, intelligent and energetic heroes by means of re-examining history and confronting memory.
Literatures in Chinese
'Chinaman,' 'gimshunhook,' cultural conflicts, cultural identity