目的:立足于前期急诊工作坊教学模式的经验,对该教学模式开展基于过程回放的流程与模式优化,进一步提高医学生急救能力培训效率。方法:将2021年进入急诊科的50名实习医学生随机分配成两组:对照组、试验组各25人。对照组采用传统的工作坊模式进行培训,试验组釆用基于过程回放的工作坊教学优化模式进行培训,培训时间均为4周,对两组学员的急救理论、技能、设备操作、突发情况应对以及院外急救知识等进行测评打分。结果:对照组学员与试验组学员在分数分布上无统计学差异(P > 0.05),结果具有可比性。对照组学员急救理论、技能、设备操作、突发情况应对以及院外急救知识的得分分别为(76.621 ±5.132)、(77.873 ±4.514)、(69.526 ±6.363)、(66.372 ±8.822)分,试验组学员得分分别为(84.726 ±3.516)、(88.299 ±4.726)、(84.368 ±5.701)、(85.927 ±6.652)分,试验组出科成绩明显高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P
Objective: Based on the early experience of thetraditional workshop teaching mode in emergency comprehensive platform, the teachingprocess and methods of the training mode were optimized based on the process replayingto further improve the training efficiency, quality and effect of medicalstudents’ first aid ability. Methods: 50 medical students who entered theemergency department in 2021 were randomly divided into two groups, 25 in thecontrol group and other 25 in the experimental group. The traditional workshop trainingmode was used in the control group, and the optimized training model based onprocess replay was used in the experimental group. The training time of bothgroups was 4 weeks. The first-aid theory, skills, equipment operation,emergency response and first-aid knowledge of the two groups werecomprehensively evaluated and scored. Results: There was no significantdifference in score distribution between the control group and the experimentalgroup (P > 0.05). The scores of first aid theory, skills, equipmentoperation, emergency response and first aid knowledge of the students in thecontrol group were (76.621 ±5.132), (77.873 ±4.514), (69.526 ±6.363), (66.372 ±8.822) respectively, and the scores of the students in the experimentalgroup were (84.726 ±3.516), (88.299 ±4.726), (84.368 ±5.701), (85.927 ±6.652) respectively. The graduation scores of the experimental groupwere significantly higher than those of the control group. The difference wasstatistically significant (P
Nursing Science