In order to shape the creative talent and "personality"of "truth", "goodness", and "beauty", and effectively enter into the new horizon of “human development and integrity construction” in the Chinese education, more attention should be paid to the research on "complete Chinese teaching"under the vision of aesthetics field. "Complete Chinese teaching"from the perspective of aesthetics refers to the educators presenting all sorts of materials and the transmission of information to the students in the teaching practice aimed at completing the task and language education;in other words, it refers to the question of what the Chinese education practically teaches. It is worth at-tention in the construction of Chinese education theory, and also is an important part of the Chinese education and research. But for a long time, research on “complete Chinese teaching” is relatively weak, which may be related to the complexity of Chinese classroom ecology and the dynamic of Chinese teaching transformation. Research on “complete Chinese teaching"greatly enriches the content of Chinese education, which is a very meaningful perspective, avoiding the blindness in the choice of language teaching, so as to support and achieve the goal of Chinese language education. As "complete Chinese teaching", it should include at least the three pillars of language teaching, article teaching, and literature teaching in Chinese teaching under the vision of aesthetics field.
Daolin Yang(Chinese Department,Central China Normal University,Wuhan)
Advances in Philosophy
Vision of Aesthetics Field
Complete Chinese Teaching
Language Teaching in Chinese Teaching
Article Teaching in Chinese Teaching
Literature Teaching in Chinese Teaching