
精神分裂症患者子女对立违抗性障碍的问题及研究 被引量:2

A Comparative Study of Oppositional Defiant Disorder in Children with Schizophrenic Patients.
摘要 目的 了解我市精神分裂症患者子女罹患对立违抗性障碍 ( ODD)的现状和临床特征。方法 采用自编儿童行为学习调查表、Achenbach儿童行为调查表 ( CBCL)、韦氏儿童智力量表 ( C-WISC)。于 2 0 0 1年 1~ 1 2月对我市精神分裂症患者子女在小学上学 (其中实际有效人数 1 2 4人 )的 1 7例 ODD儿童 (研究组 )和 1 7名非 ODD儿童 (对照组 )进行对比分析。结果  1 ODD的发生率在 1 2 4人中符合 ODD1 7例 ( 1 3 .71 % ) ,其中男 1 5 .49% ( 1 1 /71 ) ,女 1 1 .3 2 % ( 6/5 3 ) ,发生率超过 5 0 %的症状有经常发脾气、常与大人争吵、常发怒或怨恨他人、常发火或者被旁人烦扰、经常故意的烦扰他人。 2各量表评分 ,CBCL平均得分 ,研究组大于对照组 ( t=6.66,P<0 .0 1 ) ,C-WISC各项值中 So、D、BD、PA4项研究组低于对照组并有显著的差异性 ( P<0 .0 5 ) ,3 ODD合并学习障碍为 5 2 .9% ( 9/1 7) ,与对照组 1 7.6% ( 3 /1 7)比较差异性非常显著 ( χ2 =4.63 ,P<0 .0 5 )。结论 在精神分裂症患者子女中存有 ODD,这些患儿 ODD症状形式为敌对、消极与对抗主动性方面 ,ODD患儿伴有学习障碍 ,在注意力。 Objective To understand the status and clinical characteristic of children of schizophrenics with Oppositional Defiant Disorder(ODD) in our city.Methods With the self-made questionnaires of children's behavior and study.CBCL.C-WISC,17 children(study group)of schizophrenics with ODD who is studying in primary school(ral and effective number is 124)and 17 nromal children(control group)were investigated in Janaury to Decmber,2001.Results ①The rate of ODD:among 124 students children with ODD is 13.7(17cases),15%(11cases)in boys and 11.32%(6cases)in girls,the characteristic that the rate of ODD is more than 50% is repeated serious temper tantrum,frequent conflict with adults,tendency to be resentful,dong things deliberately to annoy other people.②The average CBCL score in study gyoup was higher than that of normal controls(P<0.01),The So、D、BD、PA.score in S-WISC in study group lower than of normal controls and they showed significant differences between two groups(P<0.05).③ODD with study disorder is 52.9%(9/17),also showed significant differences comparative with control group that is 17.6%(3/17)(P<0.05).Conclusion There are ODD in the children of schizophenic,the characteristic of children with ODD is hostility,passive and defiant behaviour,Children with ODD and study disorder is poorer than normal in fundamental cgnitive function such as attention,memory and so on.
出处 《健康心理学杂志》 2004年第3期171-173,共3页 Health Psychology Journal
关键词 精神分裂症 违抗性障碍 ODD 儿童行为 Schizophrenia Oppositional defiant disorder Children C-WISC
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