20世纪 2 0— 30年代 ,四川大学由一所地方性很强的大学转化为真正的国立学校。在此进程中 ,中央、地方和学术界围绕着“国家”这一象征性资源展开了竞争 ,展示出其时“国家”这一概念在人们认知与实践中的多歧性。与通常采纳的理论假设不同 ,在具体的历史语境下 ,中央并不总是被视为“国家”的代表 ;而中央和地方之间的矛盾也启示出“国家建设”理论并不尽符合近代中国的“国情”。这一理论构建出的“国家—社会”二元分析框架 ,实更近“前近代”中国的官、民之分。
Sichuan University, once a local higher education facility, gradually became a national university during the 1920s and the 1930s. In the process, the central government, local governments and academia vied for the symbolic resource of “state,' revealing varied interpretations about the concept in conceptual and practical levels. Contrary to widely accepted theoretic assumptions, the central government is not always as the representative of the “state' in specific context. The conflicts between the central and local governments show the contradictions between the theory of “state making' and the reality in modern China. The analyzing framework of state society, provided by the theory, is more similar to the dichotomy of officials and ordinary people in pre modern China.
Social Sciences in China