20世纪二三十年代的四川在全国舆论中处在较为边缘的位置 ,被时人视为国中之“异乡”。外省人士对四川了解不多 ,已有的认知也多为负面的。这一形象既与四川混乱的政局及相对闭塞的文化环境有关 ,也包含了想像的成分。旅居外省的四川人一方面致力于改善四川的政治、社会面貌 ,另一方面又努力消除外省人对四川的负面印象。本文考察“国中异乡”现象形成的原因及旅外川人围绕此问题发表的言论 ,希望在重构这方面社会心态的基础上 ,从“地方史”的角度探索 2 0世纪上半期中国“国家统一”
Sichuan was a marginal region in the eyes of the public during the 1920s and the 1930s and was regarded as a “foreign land” within China. People of other provinces knew little about Sichuan and what they knew usually presented a negative image. This was rooted in the political chaos and closed cultural environment of the province. However, fancy also played a role in this image. People living in other provinces with their roots in Sichuan strove hard to improve its political and social conditions while making every effort to erase its negative impression from the minds of non Sichuanese people.This paper investigates factors contributing to the “foreign land” image,and statements by people with Sichuanese roots living in other provinces.It probes into issues of national unity of the country of the first half of the twentieth century from the perspective of local history.
Historical Research