目的 采用免疫组化及图象分析方法检测骨炎定对兔实验性骨关节炎关节软骨中诱导型一氧化氮合成酶 (iNOS)的表达的影响 ,以探讨其防治膝骨关节炎的作用机理。方法 :新西兰兔 36只 ,建立兔Hulth膝骨关节炎模型 ,术后随机分成 3组 :模型组、对乙酰氨基酚组和骨炎定组。各组采取相应的处理方法 ,分别于术后 4 ,8和 12周处死取材 ,进行免疫组化并采用图像分析系统对其表达检测。结果 :3组iNOS的表达强度相比较 ,骨炎定组明显低于对乙酰氨基酚组和模型组。结论 :iNOS在膝骨关节炎的病理进程中具有重要作用 ,骨炎定可通过下调其在关节软骨中表达 ,达到防治膝骨关节炎的作用。
Aim:In order to research the mechanism of treating knee osteoarthritis with guyanding recipe,we study the influence of iNOS expression in articular cartilage of the rabbit knee osteoarthritic model with guyanding recipe treatment by Using the immunohistochemistry and image analysis methods.Method:36 New Zealand rabbits were divided into three groups-guyanding group,acetaminophen group and untreated group at postoperation.All rabits were established the Hulth knee osteoarthritic model.The three groups were dealt with different therapy respectively and taken samples at postoperation 4,8 and 12 weeks by killing 4 rabbits each group.All samples were undertaken immunohistochemistry and image analysis methods in order to testing their iNOS expressing intensity.Result:The size of iNOS posityve expressing intensity of guyanding group was notable lower than those of acetaminophen group and the untreated group.Conclusion:iNOS took a key role in the osteoarthritic pathological process and Guyanding recipe can prevent and treat the knee osteoarthritis by down-regulating the expression of iNOS.
Journal of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine