
受艾影响儿童心理韧性对学校适应和学习成绩的影响:教师支持的调节作用 被引量:1

The Effect of the Resilience on the School Adjustment and Academic Achievement among the Children Affected by AIDS /HIV - the Moderation of the Teacher Support
摘要 目的:探讨教师支持在受艾滋病影响儿童心理韧性对学校适应和学习成绩影响过程中所起的作用。方法:采用方便取样的方法,向27所受艾滋病影响严重的学校发放调查问卷250份,采用青少年心理韧性量表、教师支持量表、学校适应量表和自评学生成绩对研究对象进行调查。结果:心理韧性对学校适应(β=0.218,p<0.05)和学习成绩(β=0.290,p<0.01)均有显著的正向预测作用;教师支持对心理韧性影响学习成绩的关系具有正向的调节作用(β=0.147,p<0.05),而对心理韧性影响学校适应的调节作用不显著。结论:提高受艾滋病影响儿童的心理韧性水平能够显著提高其学校适应能力和学习成绩,教师对儿童的支持能够加强心理韧性对学习成绩的影响效果。 Objective:To explore the role of the teacher support in the process of the resilience on the school adjustment and academic achievement among the children affected by AIDS / HIV.Methods:With the convenient sampling method,giving out 250 pieces of questionnaire in the 27 schools seriously affected by AIDS / HIV,the resilience questionnaire,school adjustment questionnaire,teacher support questionnaire and academic achievement were adopted in the research.Results:The positive effect of the resilience on the school adjustment(β = 0.218,p < 0.05) and the academic achievement(β = 0.290,p < 0.01) was significant;the teacher support had a positive moderated effect between the relationship of the resilience and the academic achievement(β = 0.147,p <0.05).However,the moderated effect between the resilience and the school adjustment was not significant.Conclusion:Increasing the level of the resilience could improve the school adjustment and academic achievement significantly among the children affected by AIDS / HIV,and the teacher support played a'strengthen'role between the relationship of the resilience and the academic achievement.
出处 《郑州师范教育》 2013年第5期37-41,共5页 Journal of Zhengzhou Normal Education
关键词 受艾影响儿童 心理韧性 学校适应 学习成绩 教师支持 children affected by AIDS /HIV resilience school adjustment academic achievement teacher support
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