
未来控制感在受艾滋病影响儿童表现的歧视和孤独感之间的作用分析 被引量:1

The Role of Future Control in the Discrimination and Loneliness of Children affected by HIV/AIDS
摘要 本文采用儿童孤独量表、未来控制感量表、表现的歧视量表对受艾滋病影响儿童进行了一系列测评,探讨了中国农村地区受艾滋病影响儿童的未来控制感在表现的歧视和孤独感之间的调节作用。对数据的分析表明,表现的歧视和孤独感存在显著的正相关(r=0.50,p<0.01),表现歧视越高的儿童,他们感受到的孤独感就越高;未来控制感和孤独感存在显著的负相关,(r=-0.48,p<0.01)未来控制感越高的儿童,他们的孤独感往往越低;未来控制感在表现的歧视和孤独感之间起着部分调节的作用。 In this paper, a series of tests were conducted to evaluate the influence of AIDS among children in China' s rural areas by using the questionnaire of children' s loneliness, the future control and the performance of discrimi- nation, exploring the role of future control in the discrimination and loneliness of children affected by HIV/AIDS. Regression analysis showed that the expression of discrimination and loneliness were significantly positively correla- ted( r = 0.50, p 〈 0.01 ) ,the higher the performance of the children,they felt the higher loneliness;the future con- trol and loneliness were children, the lower their significantly negative correlation, ( r = -0. 48, p 〈0. 01 ) the higher their future control of loneliness is ;future control plays a part of the regulation in the performance of discrimina-tion and loneliness.
出处 《漯河职业技术学院学报》 2015年第4期161-163,共3页 Journal of Luohe Vocational Technical College
关键词 受艾滋病影响的儿童 表现的歧视 未来控制感 孤独感 children affected by HIV/AIDS discrimination performance future control loneliness
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