网络环境下的图书馆参考咨询服务的方法发生了深刻地变化。为进一步做好网络环境下参考咨询服务工作 ,提升图书馆参考咨询服务的水平 ,满足各类读者对信息的需求 ,本文阐述了图书馆参考咨询服务的内涵、意义及其现状。从而提出了极具操作性的几点对策 ,渴望得到同行们的认可。
The change has taken place deeply in advisory service of the library under the net environment. In order to do the work of reference advisory service under the environment of the network well further and promote the level of it, and satisfying all kinds of readers' demands for information, this text has explained the intension, the meaning and current situation of the reference advisory service of the library. Thus proposed some countermeasures that having operating nature very much, wish eagerly to be approved by the colleagues one.
Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture