随着信息技术的飞速发展 ,信息技术已成为在视障学生的教学中应用得越来越广泛。课程整合的概念提出之后 ,教育工作者不应只满足于把信息技术仅仅作为辅助教师教学的演示工具 ,还应该注重把信息技术与学科教学科学融合 ,使视障学生真正成为教育的主体。做为视障教师必须树立全新的教学理念 ,根据视障学生生理、心理的特点 ,熟练运用信息技术 。
With Information Technology (IT) in fast development, it has been wid ely applied in special teaching for students with visual impairment. Integration of IT and teaching now in practice, teachers are required to attach greater imp ortance to integration of IT with expertise education, rather than using IT mere ly as a medium of presenting and teaching aid, thus making the students with vis ual impairment the subject of self-help learning. Teachers are also required to have advanced notion for teaching and learning, abilities for resorting IT media in combination with characteristics in physiology and psychology, so that curri culum integration can play an active role to raise the qualities of the invalid- vision students.
Chinese Journal of Special Education