教学语言是教师在传授知识、组织课堂教学活动时使用的语言。一个教师的课堂语言的质量在一定意义上就是教师基本文化素质的体现。英语教学的目标 ,在总体构建上 ,特别重视语言运用 ,注重听说和交流 ,突出语言的实践性。用英语组织课堂教学 ,已成为英语教学界的共识。英语教师的教学语言不仅是教学手段 。
Different from daily language,teachers classroom language has its own charactor.It's a means to teach student to acquire knowledge.Yet,the classroom language for teachers of English has its dual charactors.It is not the teaching language only,but the language aimed to be learned by students as well. So teachers of English should aware of that and refine their classroom language.
Journal of Taiyuan Institute of Education