为探究不同产地草果的理化特性及游离氨基酸组分的差异,以中国云南麻栗坡、绿春、屏边、盈江、福贡、泸水,以及越南的草果为原料,对不同产地草果的水分、蛋白质、灰分、挥发油含量等理化特性及游离氨基酸进行分析。结果表明,不同产地草果的水分含量为8.60%~14.21%,蛋白质含量为5.28%~6.66%,灰分含量为5.27%~6.46%,挥发油含量为1.16%~1.75%。草果中共检出16种游离氨基酸,含量为10.69~17.58 g/hg,包括7种必需氨基酸、9种非必需氨基酸,营养评价结果显示,7种不同产地草果的必需氨基酸/总氨基酸(EAA/TAA)值均较接近0.4,仅屏边和越南草果的NEAA/TAA值未达到0.6以上;鲜味氨基酸、甜味氨基酸、苦味氨基酸和芳香族氨基酸的含量分别为4.00~8.75、1.95~3.08、2.67~4.09、1.20~1.65 g/hg,其中泸水、盈江草果的鲜味氨基酸、甜味氨基酸、芳香族氨基酸含量相对较高。由此得出,7种不同产地草果的水分、蛋白质、灰分、挥发油含量存在一定差异,不同产地草果氨基酸含量丰富、营养价值高,其组成、含量及营养价值均存在一定的差异,其中泸水产地的草果水分、蛋白质、挥发油含量、氨基酸总含量较高;就呈味氨基酸而言,泸水、盈江草果的鲜味氨基酸、甜味氨基酸、芳香族氨基酸含量较高。该研究结果可为草果种质资源筛选、研究及相关食品和医药产品开发提供理论参考。
To explore the differences in the physical and chemical properties and free amino acid components of Amomum tsao-ko from different production areas,this study used Amomum tsao-ko from Malipo,Lvchun,Pingbian,Yingjiang,Fugong,Lushui,Yunnan,China,and Vietnam as raw materials.The physical and chemical properties,such as moisture,protein,ash,volatile oil content,and free amino acid contents,of Amomum tsao-ko from different origins were analyzed.The results re-vealed that the moisture content of Amomum tsao-ko from different origins ranged from 8.60%to 14.21%,the protein content ranged from 5.28%to 6.66%,the ash content ranged from 5.27%to 6.46%,and the volatile oil content ranged from 1.16%to 1.75%.Sixteen free amino acids were detected in Amomum tsao-ko from seven different origins,with contents ranging from 10.69-17.58 g·hg^(-1),including seven essential amino acids and nine nonessential amino acids.The results of the nutritional evaluation revealed that the EAA/TAA values of Amomum tsao-ko from seven different origins were close to 0.4 and that the NEAA/TAA values of Amomum tsao-ko from Pingbian and Vietnam were not greater than 0.6.The contents of umami amino acids,sweet amino acids,bitter amino acids,and aromatic amino acids were 4.00~8.75 g·hg^(-1),1.95~3.08 g·hg^(-1),2.67~4.09 g·hg^(-1),1.20~1.65 g·hg^(-1),respectively.The contents of umami amino acids,sweet amino acids,and aromatic amino acids in Lushui and Yingjiang Amomum tsao-ko were relatively high.In conclusion,there are differences in the contents of moisture,protein,ash,and volatile oil in Amomum tsao-ko from seven different origins.The amino acid content of Amomum tsao-ko from different origins is high,and its nutritional value is high.There are several differences in its composition,content,and nutritional value.Among them,the moisture,protein,volatile oil,and total amino acid contents of Amomum tsao-ko from Lushui were relatively high.In terms of flavor amino acids,the umami amino acids,sweet amino acids,and aromatic amino acids of Amomum tsao-k
YOU Shengjun;ZHANG Yingping;QIN Xiaowei;HE Juncai;HAO Chaoyun;XU Fei(Nujiang Green Spice Industry Research Institute,Nujiang,Yunnan 673200,China;Spice and Beverage Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences,Wanning,Hainan 571533,China;Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory of Genetic Improvement and Quality Regulation for Tropical Spice and Beverage Crops,Wanning,Hainan 571533,China;Key Laboratory of Processing Suitability and Quality Control of the Special Tropical Crops of Hainan Province,Wanning,Hainan 571533,China)
Chinese Journal of Tropical Agriculture
Amomum tsao-ko
physicochemical properties
amino acids