
为子女教育而参保——随迁子女入学门槛对流动人口社保参保行为的影响 被引量:7

Participate in Social Insurance for Children’s Education:Impact of the Entrance Threshold for Migrant Children on the Social Insurance Participation of Floating Population
摘要 教育的户籍均等化是一个同时关乎公平与效率的重要议题。然而由于城市公共教育资源尚难以实现按常住人口配置,为避免潜在的准公共品拥挤问题,人口流入地设置了一系列针对随迁子女入学的门槛性条件。文章基于全国流动人口调查数据,采用断点回归设计的研究发现,为了换取子女在当地的入学机会,流动人口会选择在临近子女义务教育学龄时参加流入地社保,但这种参保至少在短期内并不能为流动人口带来明显的社保收益。通过异质性分析发现,入学门槛暗含劳动技能歧视,更容易迫使中、低学历人群为子女教育而参保,此外在门槛政策下,家庭人力资本投资呈现出明显的男孩偏好,这些因素都可能在流动人口内部引发叠加的公平损失。据此,文章提出短期内应针对不同人群特征对入学门槛政策进行差异化调整,随后文章从如何推动教育的户籍均等化角度探讨了长期改革的思路。在人口结构发生深刻变化的背景下,文章的研究对于改善教育公平,提升劳动力的人力资本水平进而推动高质量发展具有一定的借鉴意义。 The education of migrant children is a major issue related to the efficiency of labor resource allocation and economic development potential. However, because the current urban public education resources cannot be allocated according to the permanent population, in order to avoid the potential crowding of quasi-public goods, large cities have set up a series of threshold policies for migrant children.This paper finds that:(1) In exchange for their children’s schooling opportunities in the local area, some floating population will choose to participate in social insurance in the inflow area when their children are close to the school age of compulsory education.(2) At least in the short term, the behavior of participating in social insurance near the children’s schooling age does not bring the benefits of social insurance itself to the floating population.(3) Threshold policies are more likely to force middle-and low-educated people to change their decision-making for insurance for their children’s education. Moreover, children of low-income groups are more likely to lose the opportunity to relocate and enjoy urban public education resources.The possible contributions of this paper are as follows: First, from the research perspective, this paper links the two important public services of education and social insurance, and then examines the consequences beyond policy intentions caused by individual behavioral adjustments. This is helpful for a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of the household registration discrimination policy in public education, and forms a certain supplement to the research on the equalization of household registration in public services and the low insurance participation rate of floating population. Second, heterogeneity analysis in this paper shows that the formulation of public education policies needs to fully consider the differences between groups, especially the protection of the rights and interests of low-skilled and low-income floating population, so as to avoid s
作者 李尧 Li Yao(School of Public Economicsand Administration,Shanghai Universityof Financeand Economics,Shanghai 200433,China)
出处 《财经研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第11期109-123,共15页 Journal of Finance and Economics
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(上海财经大学研究生创新基金)资助(CXJJ-2020-317)。
关键词 随迁子女教育 社会保险 断点回归 education of migrant children social insurance regression discontinuity design
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