After Germany’s “traffic light coalition” took office in 2021, the increased number of veto players within the federal government and growing division of ideologies among the governing parties have made it much harder to reach consensus within the coalition compared with that of the Grand Coalition, especially concerning economic and climate policies,where great divergences exist as to the policy positioning of the three governing parties. A minority of seats of the opposition parties within the Bundestag means it is almost impossible for them to veto the bills proposed by the federal government, but it is possible for them to block the passage of some bills by resorting to the constitutional review procedures of the Constitutional Court. Driven by party competition, the CDU/CSU may play the role of a“veto-player” within the Bundesrat. However, whether it could succeed in vetoing a bill is determined by a series of factors such as the prospect of the consensus between the ruling and opposition parties, the interests of the states, the preferences of the voters and the degree of cohesion within the CDU/CSU itself. Confronted with a range of problems and challenges in the fields of economy and society, the stability of German politics will be threatened if the “traffic light coalition” could not promptly promote the policy reform process and satisfy the voters. Starting from the theoretical perspectives of consensus politics and veto players and in view of the reality of the intensified diversification of political fractions under the “traffic light government”, this paper attempts to explore the possibility of cooperation and game-playing between the main parties within the federal government, the Bundestag and the Bundesrat and analyzes the changing trend of consensus and veto within Germany’s decision-making mechanism and the prospects of Germany’s politics in the post-Merkel era.
Chinese Journal of European Studies