
德国经济治理中的稳定文化--评《德国马克与经济增长》 被引量:2

A Culture of Stability in the German Economic Governance——A Book Review of Deutsche Mark and German Economic Growth
摘要 《德国马克与经济增长》一书深刻揭示了战后德国经济增长与其货币政策之间的密切关系。本文结合对该书的点评,重点从理念、制度和日常政治层面论述了德国经济治理中的稳定文化,指出这种文化是德国马克成为"欧洲稳定锚"、并成功走向国际化的重要原因之一。 The book Deutsche Mark and German Economic Growth profoundly reveals the close links between Germany's post-war economic growth and its monetary policy.Apart from a review of this book,this paper discusses the culture of stability inherent in the German economic governance mainly from three perspectives,that is,ideas,institutions and daily politics.It points out that such a culture is one of the most important reasons for the Deutsche Mark to become Europe's anchor currency and for its internationalization.
作者 郑春荣
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期127-140,159,共14页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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