
从欧债危机看德国欧洲政策的新变化 被引量:13

Changes in Germany's European Policy: An Analysis Based on the Performances of Germany in the European Debt Crisis
摘要 德国在应对欧债危机中从最初的犹豫走向后来的独断,这一表现既与德国的经济治理理念有着紧密关系,又是德国国内各否决玩家钳制的结果。虽然"欧洲的德国"依然是德国的行动框架,但是通过欧债危机的分析可以清晰看出德国的欧洲政策自两德统一以来呈现的若干新变化:德国的欧洲政策日益为内政所驱动;德国的"欧洲使命"日益衰减;德国正在成为地缘经济强权,等等。这些新变化进一步加剧了来自欧盟其他成员国对德国欧洲政策的外部期待,以及德国社会的内部约束之间的张力,增加了德国欧洲政策的不可测性,也给欧洲一体化的未来前景增添了不确定性。 After some initial hesitation,Germany turned out to be more assertive in the European debt crisis.This shift is not only closely linked with Germany's idea of economic governance,but a result from the competition between the domestic veto players.Although a 'European Germany' still serves as the basic framework for Germany's actions in Europe,its performances in the European debt crisis have clearly told us a number of changes in its European policy.In particular,domestic affairs are playing an increasingly decisive role in directing Germany's European policy with a weakened sense of Euopean identiry,and it seems that Germany is becoming a geo-economic power.These changes further exacerbate the existing tension between external expectations towards Germany from the other EU member states and internal constraints from the German society and aggravate the unpredictability of Germany's European policy and the uncertainty of the future of European integration.
作者 郑春荣
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期1-16,1,共16页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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