After Biden came to power,the core of his“Indo Pacific strategy”is to unite the allies in the Indo Pacific region to jointly deal with the so-called“China threat”,and the“Taiwan card”has become an important starting point for“the alliance to control China”of the United States.As a key ally of the United States in the Indo Pacific region,driven by the pressure of external alliances and the dual motivation of internal security and interests,Japan’s Taiwan policy cooperates with the trend of“using Taiwan to control China”of the United States,strengthens the posture of military intervention in the Taiwan Straits,strengthens“using Taiwan to control China”economically and promotes Taiwan’s integration into the framework of“the Indo Pacific strategy”of the United States.However,affected by China-Japan relations,China-US relations and the differences between the United States and Japan in relation to Taiwan,there are obvious limits to“the allied trend”of Japan’s Taiwan policy.The Chinese mainland should stick to view Japan’s Taiwan related issues under the overall framework of China-Japan relations,grasp and make use of the differences between the United States and Japan on the Taiwan problem,strengthen the maintenance and operation of the complex competition and cooperation relationship between China and the United States,and effectively control the US-Japan interference in the Taiwan Problem.
HUANG Jizhao;XIE Jing(School of Social Sciences,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 508060,Guangdong,China;Department of Asia Pacific Studies,Waseda University,Tokyo 169-8050,Japan)
Research on Fujian-Taiwan Relationship