
我国第三人撤销之诉的“神”与“形”——第148-153号指导性案例研究 被引量:9

The Essence and the Form of the Revocation Lawsuit of the Third Party:A Study on Guidance Cases No.148-153
摘要 从立法目的看,我国第三人撤销之诉针对的是确有错误的裁判,与再审程序分享事后纠错的制度功能,但司法解释将其程序性质定为普通程序,导致第三人撤销之诉的性质与功能不符,"神""形"分离。这给该制度的解释和实践带来困难。实践中的第三人撤销之诉混杂了三种不同性质的案外人救济制度。以最高人民法院指导性案例为例:第148号和第149号是判决效力扩张所及者提起的撤销之诉,应按照再审程序处理;第150号和第151号是受判决反射效力影响者提起的撤销之诉,属于另外一种第三人异议之诉;第152号和第153号是认为受原案当事人恶意诉讼损害者提起的撤销之诉,但其程序属性应该是无效裁判撤销程序。欲实现制度神形合一,应该按照无效裁判程序原理重新构建我国的第三人撤销之诉,为受他人间生效裁判反射效力影响的人增设独立的第三人异议之诉。 From the point of view of legislative purpose,the revocation lawsuit of the third party in our country is aimed at the judgment formed by the false lawsuit,sharing the system function of correcting the error after the retrial procedure,but the judicial interpretation defines its procedural nature as the ordinary procedure,which leads to the inconsistency of the nature and function of the the revocation lawsuit of the third party.This brings difficulties to the interpretation and practice of the system.In practice,the third party’s revocation has mixed up three kinds of alien relief systems.Taking the guiding cases of the Supreme people’s Court as an example,No.148 and 149 are revocation proceedings brought by the people to whom the effect of the judgment expands,which shall be handled in accordance with the retrial proceedings;No.150 and 151 are revocation proceedings brought by the people affected by the reflective effect of the judgment,which belongs to another kinds of the third party’s revocation action;No.152 and 153 are the revocation actions brought by the people who believe that he have been harmed by the malicious litigation of the original case parties,but the procedural property should be invalid referee revocation proceedings.In order to realize the unity of the system’s function and form,we should reconstruct the third party revocation action in our country according to the principle of invalid judgment procedure.To add an independent third party objection to the person affected by the reflex effect of the effective judgment on other people.
作者 吴英姿 Wu Yingzi
机构地区 南京大学法学院
出处 《政法论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期54-69,共16页 Tribune of Political Science and Law
关键词 第三人撤销之诉 无效裁判撤销程序 判决的反射效力 检察监督 Revocation Lawsuit of the Third Party Revocation Proceeding of the Invalid Decisions Reflective Effects of Judgment Procuratorial Supervision
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