The new regulation of divorce cooling-off period in the registered divorce system of Civil Code is inconsistent with the legislative purpose of the relevant regulations of registered divorce in China,the dual regulation legislative system of divorce and the tradition of marriage legislation in China.In fact,it is the result of wrongly borrowing foreign divorce systems under the influence of divorce prohibition.For the system of divorce by judgment,we should learn from the practice of German divorce law.On the one hand,we should implement the principle of rupture on the grounds of divorce on the basis of Article 1079,paragraph 2 of the Civil Code;on the other hand,we should according to the presumption of rupture and harsh conditions classify the statutory reasons of divorce in Article 1079,paragraphs 3 and 4,including the new provision that divorce should be granted after one year of separation in the second divorce proceedings,and systematize them from the perspective of interpretation.
Law and Economy
divorce cooling-off period
reason for divorce
rupture principle
presumption of rupture