
扩散峰度成像在兔肝纤维化分期诊断中的初步研究 被引量:3

Evaluation the staging of rabbits’liver fibrosis using diffusion kurtosis imaging:A pilot research
摘要 目的评估扩散峰度成像(diffusion kurtosis imaging,DKI)在兔肝纤维化分期诊断中的应用价值。材料与方法选用清洁级新西兰雄性大白兔35只,随机分成实验组(30只)、对照组(5只)。实验组颈部皮下注射四氯化碳与橄榄油混合溶液,每周2次,第1~3周0.1 mL/kg、4~6周0.2 mL/kg、7~10周0.3 mL/kg。对照组颈部皮下注射相同剂量的生理盐水。注射药物后的第5、6、7、10周末,采用美国GE Discovery MR750W 3.0 T扫描仪(8通道膝关节HD线圈)采集DKI图像。采用HE及Masson染色方法获取病理图像,以肝叶为单位,根据METAVIR标准分为3组:正常组(F0)、早期肝纤维化组(F1-F2)、肝晚期纤维化组(F3-F4)。在GE AW 4.6后处理工作站,依据病理结果获取DKI伪彩图像及由DKI拟合的部分各向异性分数(fractional anisotropy,FA)、平均扩散系数(mean diffusivity,MD)、平均峰度(mean kurtosis,MK)值。采用单因素方差分析比较三组间统计学差异,Spearman等级相关分析比较MK、MD、FA与肝纤维化分期的相关性,采用受试者工作特征(receiver operating characteristic,ROC)曲线评价MK、MD、FA对肝纤维化分期的诊断效能。结果DKI参数中,FA、MK值与肝纤维化分期呈正相关(r分别为0.499、0.635,P<0.01);MD值与肝纤维化分期呈负相关(r=-0.537,P<0.01);其中,MD值在鉴别F0/F1-F2及F0/F3-F4诊断效能最高(AUC=0.886、0.975,P<0.01);MK值在F1-F2/F3-F4鉴别诊断效能最高(AUC=0.751,P<0.01)。结论DKI参数MD、MK值在兔肝纤维化分期诊断中具有较好的应用价值。 Objective:To investigate the diagnostic value of the quantitative diffusion kurtosis imaging(DKI)in the staging diagnosis of rabbits’liver fibrosis.Materials and Methods:Thirty-five healthy male rabbits were divided into experimental group(n=30)and control group(n=5)by subcutaneous injection of 50%CCl4 in olive oil.Rabbit models were scanned by a 3.0 T MR scanner(Discovery MR750W,GE,Healthcare,USA).GE AW4.6 Workstation and SPSS 21.0 help to evaluate the correlation between quantitative analysis of DKI and METAVIR staging.Results:With increasing stage of liver fibrosis,FA,MK value increased(r=0.499,0.653,P<0.01)and MD value decreased(r=-0.537,P<0.01).And MD value was the best parameter for distinguishing F0 from F1-F2,F0 from F3-F4 with areas under curve(AUC)of 0.886,0.975 and MK value was the best parameter for distinguishing F1-F2 from F3-F4 with AUC of 0.751(all P<0.01).Conclusions:DKI related parameters MD and MK have a good application value in the staging diagnosis of rabbits’liver fibrosis.
作者 胡家玮 刘晓岚 郭冬梅 董洋 HU Jiawei;LIU Xiaolan;GUO Dongmei;DONG Yang(Department of Radiology,the Second Hospital of Dalian Medical University,Dalian 116027,China)
出处 《磁共振成像》 CAS 2020年第10期896-899,914,共5页 Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
基金 辽宁省自然科学基金(编号:201602228)。
关键词 磁共振成像 扩散峰度成像 肝纤维化 动物实验 magnetic resonance imaging diffusion kurtosis imaging liver fibrosis rabbits animal experiment
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