

Influence of Suspended Sediment Concent on Formation Process of Submerged Oil
摘要 溢油事故发生后,水体中分散油滴和悬浮颗粒物相互作用会自然形成油-悬浮颗粒物凝聚体(OSAs),这一过程是溢油在水环境中沉潜的一个重要自然过程。为了模拟溢油沉潜过程,利用锥形瓶做实验室批量实验,通过选取重质马瑞原油为试验油品,天然悬浮泥沙为试验颗粒物,研究了不同悬浮泥沙浓度对OSAs形成的时间尺度影响。结果表明,悬浮泥沙质量的添加,明显促进了马瑞原油分散进入水体进而沉潜,并且马瑞原油易与泥沙形成沉降的油-悬浮颗粒物凝聚体;悬浮泥沙浓度的增加能够增大马瑞原油的沉潜率,缩短油-悬浮颗粒物凝聚体形成所需时间;在一定悬浮泥沙质量浓度下,随着振荡时间的增加,沉潜率先随之增大,一定时间后趋于稳定。 After the oil spill accident, oil-suspended particulate matter aggregates (OSAs) can naturally form, which is due to the interaction of dispersed oil droplets and suspended particles in the water. This is an important natural process for oil spill submerging and sinking in aquatic environments. In this experiment, we selected the heavy merey crude oil as the test oil, and natural suspended sediment as the experimental particulate matter, and carried out some studies on the time scale effects of different suspended sediment concentrations on the formation of OSAs. Results showed that the addition of suspended particulates significantly promotes the dispersion of merey crude oil into the water and then sinks. With a given sand concentration, the rate of sinking firstly increased with oscillation time, and then gradually tended to be stable after a certain time. The increase of suspended sand concentration can improve the submerging and sinking efficiency of merey oil, and shorten the time for forming the oil-suspended particulate matter aggregates. Under certain sand concentration, the rate of sinking first increased with the increase of oscillation time, and tended to be stable after a ceatain time.
作者 赵雪 高亚丽 鞠忠磊 熊德琪 齐志鑫 ZHAO Xue;GAO Ya-li;JU Zhong-lei;XIONG De-qi;QI Zhi-xin(College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Dalian Maritime University , Dalian 116026, China)
出处 《海洋科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期526-532,共7页 Advances in Marine Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目——消油剂处理溢油对模式生物海胆的联合毒性效应及机制研究(41276105) 赤潮水体中有机与无机颗粒物后向散射相互作用机制及遥感反演(41506197) 辽宁省自然科学基金项目——浅海区域沉底油形成因素影响研究(20170540099)
关键词 沉潜油 油-悬浮颗粒物凝聚体 时间尺度 悬浮泥沙 submerged oil Oil-Suspended Particulate Matter Aggregates (OSAs) time scale suspended sand
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