
制度逻辑视角下的中国公务员分类管理改革研究 被引量:8

The Study of Classification System Reform of Chinese Civil Servants from the Perspective of Institutional Logics
摘要 效率是政府追求的永恒价值之一,然而能够有效提升政府效率的公务员专业化改革在我国进程缓慢,相关的公务员分类管理制度历经二十余年仍未落地。公共管理学界已经认识到,公务员分类管理制度与传统干部管理制度之间的冲突是造成改革困境的主因,但尚未找到解决办法。通过引入制度逻辑视角,本文建立了一个包括"专业化逻辑、控制逻辑和激励逻辑"的制度逻辑分析框架,并运用这一框架对2016年以来的新一轮公务员分类管理改革试点进行了实证分析。研究表明,改革的困境不仅仅在于控制逻辑与专业化逻辑之间的冲突,还包括专业化逻辑对原有控制逻辑与激励逻辑之间平衡状态的打破、缺乏与专业化逻辑相匹配的激励机制,以及专业化逻辑无法落地等。基于制度逻辑视角下对改革困境的深入分析以及对发达国家相关经验的借鉴,本文提出了重建制度逻辑平衡、破解分类管理改革困境的具体策略。 Efficiency is one of the eternal values pursued by governments. However, the process of civil servants professionalization reform, which can effectively improve governments’ efficiency, has been slow in China;and its core system, the civil service classification management system, has not fallen to the ground for more than twenty years. The community of public management has realized that the conflict between the civil service classification management system and the traditional cadre management system is the main cause of the reform dilemma, however, solutions have not been found yet. By introducing the perspective of institutional logics, this paper developed a theoretical framework that contained three main institutional logics: control logic, professional logic and incentive logic. Under this framework, an empirical study which focused on the new pilot reform started from 2016 was conducted. The research shows that the dilemma of the reform lies not only in the conflict between the control logic and the professional logic, but also in the break of old balance between the control logic and the incentive logic, in the lack of incentive system matchable to the professional logic and in the difficult implementation of the professional logic. Based on the in-depth analysis of reform dilemma from the perspective of institutional logics, this paper drew on the experience of the developed countries to find approaches for reconstructing the balance of multiple logics and to solve the reform dilemma of the classification management system.
作者 吴少微 魏姝 Wu Shaowei;Wei Shu(School of Government, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210023)
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期29-34,共6页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 中国博士后科学基金面上项目"中国情境下的政策执行问题研究"(编号:2017M620208) 国家社会科学基金重大项目"国家治理现代化与行政管理制度体系创新研究"(编号:17ZDA105) 江苏省社科基金青年项目"专业化视角下江苏公务员分类管理改革研究"(编号:18GLC009)
关键词 专业化 制度逻辑 公务员 分类管理 professionalization institutional logics civil servants classification management
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