
1986—2017年中国舞蹈史学研究的现状、问题与态势 被引量:3

The Situation,Problems and Developing Trend of the Research of Chinese Dance History from 1986 to 2017
摘要 1956年中国成立了第一个有组织的舞蹈史研究专业机构,开拓了舞蹈史学的研究领域和思路格局。1986年适逢"中国舞蹈史研究组"建立三十周年,随后的三十余年则是中国舞蹈史学研究日臻成熟、迅速发展的关键阶段,出版和发表了一百多部舞蹈史著作和数千篇期刊论文,逐步发展成我国舞蹈理论研究的核心阵地和主干课程,支撑起学科建设的主轴。但从统计数据看,近五年来随着舞蹈史学研究热度的迅速降温,研究队伍明显出现青黄不接之势,高水平的舞史专著和期刊论文的数量逐渐缩减,严重影响了学科建设的可持续发展。面对我国国际地位日益提升、中外文化交流日益频繁的新时代,文章试图对中国舞蹈史学研究做出系统考察、理性剖析与探索,旨在为中国舞蹈史学的进一步研究提供有益的参照。 In 1956, the first special institution for the research of dance history was established in China. By the year 1986, Chinese dance history research group had been founded for 30 years. The following 30 years had been a crucial period of steady growth and fast development for Chinese dance history research. Unprecedentedly, more than one hundred works on dance history have been published, and thousands of papers have been published in various journals. The research of Chinese dance history has gradually become the center and major course of Chinese dance theoretical research , supported the main axis of the construction of the subject, and set an everlasting monument in global dance history research. However, according to statistics, the interest in the research of dance history has been dwindling during the last five years. As a result, there has been a temporary shortage of researchers and a gradual decrease in the number of works and essays of high quality on dance history, greatly effecting the sustainable development of the construction of the subject. In view of the situations above, in the face of the new era in which the international standing of our country as well as the cultural communication between China and foreign countries is growing with each passing day, it is extremely urgent and significant to inspect, analyze and explore the research of Chinese dance history in terms of the whole picture.
作者 王晓茹 WANG Xiao-ru(The Department of Music,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,China)
出处 《北京舞蹈学院学报》 CSSCI 2018年第6期7-13,共7页 Journal of Beijing Dance Academy
基金 2015年度国家社科基金艺术学规划项目"西周雅乐舞文化及其当代复兴研究"(项目编号:15BE062)阶段性成果
关键词 中国舞蹈史学 研究分期 现状 问题 态势 Chinese dance history research on different periods present situation problems developing trend
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